Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Weekdays Question 45
The name of my book would be "The world as we know it. Year 5006." This would be the name because this book would be about a destrode world that died and everyone was disappearing one by one and the world was dyeing and the alieans were taking over.
Don't forget to comment, ask me a question(s), and/or answer the weekdays question. See you tomorrow, bye.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Weekdays Question 44
My fav subject in school is reading, I love to read I only read two series of books, I read Judy Mody and Dear Dumb Diary. Reading the easiest subject in school. My least-Favorite subject in school is math, but I'm really good at math, but I still don't like it, it's the hardest subject in school and I don't like it vary much because it's so much work.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Weekdays Question 43
If you had to perform in a school talent show, what would your talent be? Describe what your performance would be like.
If i went my talent would be Singing&Dancing, My performance would have me in a beautiful dress, and a lovely hair style, and amazing choreography, and a lovely song.
Don’t forget to comment, ask me a question(s), and/or answer the weekdays question. see you Monday, bye.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Weekdays Question 42
Have you ever daydreamed during school? If you have, what did you daydream about?
Yes, i have daydreamed during school, and i still do. I daydream about what my life would be like if i had 3 little girls, i was famous, had a huge house, and went to real school.
Don’t forget to comment, ask me a question(s), and/or answer the weekdays question. See you guys tomorrow, bye.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Weekdays Question 41
If I could have anyone as my best friend it would the girl in my dance Ashly and her friend Emily. Because they are populor and awesome.
Don't forget to comment, ask me a questio(s), and/or answer the weekdays question. See you tomorrow, bye.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Weekdays Question 40
Ok so since this is the 40th weekdays question, it is a question from the book for me, and my question for you.
Question for me: If you could teach your friends how to do one thing, what would it be? What makes you a good teacher of that one thing?
Well i would teach my friends to dance, because i am a dancer and i am good at it. I’d be a good teacher of dancing because i know how and I'm good at it, and because i know how to teach dance.
My question for you: If you could be an anime, cartoon, real person, ext, who would you be? Why would you be that anime, cartoon, real person, ext?
Don’t forget to comment, ask me a question(s), and/or answer the weekdays question. see you tomorrow or next week, bye.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Weekdays Question 39
If you had to move and your family let you decide where you should move, where would you want to go? Why?
Well i would want to move to New York City, because they have an American Girl shop, awesome stores, nice places to eat, and lots of Broadway shows.
Don't forget to comment, ask me a question(s), and/or answer the weekdays question. See you Monday or some other time next week, bye.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Weekdays Question 38
If you have grandparents, what do you like the best about them?
Well i like my grandpa because he gives me money when ever i see him, and because he tells me stories about how he gets hurt but never died.
I like my grandma because she always gets me what i want and she spoils me, and she is awesome,we always listen to Christian music and if i go on her computer then i can play non Christian songs, she loves god, my grandpa loves god, my parents love god, and i love god.
Don’t forget to comment, ask me a question(s), and/or answer the weekdays question. See you tomorrow or next week, bye.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Weekdays Question 37
Well I learned to make all kinds of eggs, I learned to make bacon, I learned to make toste, I learned to bake a cake, I learned to make Raman, Mac&Cheese, I learned to make chicken, I learned to make pancakes, I learned to make cupcakes, I learned to make sausage, and more.
I think I will be a good cook because I have had good experience, and because I learned from the best.
Don't forget to comment, ask me a question(s), and/or answer the weekdays question. See you tomorrow or next week, bye.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Weekdays Question 36
If your parents were the children and you were the parent, what household rules would you make? Why? If your parents broke the rules, how would you punish them? Why would that be the punishment?
1)Don’t misbehave.
2)Don’t run off
3)Hold my hand when we cross the street or/ parking lot.
4)Don’t scream.
6)No scooters,bikes,ramps, ext, in the house.
7)Don’t talk to strangers.
8)Eat your asparagus.
Why: So we can have a good, and steady life.
Brakes rules: If they broke a rule like doesn’t eat there asparagus, or screams, They go in timeout for 3 hours with no dinner, and no electronics.
Why that punishment?: Because it works, and the other ones are boring.
Don’t forget to comment, ask me a question(s), and/or answer the weekdays question. See you tomorrow or next week, bye.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Weekdays Question 35
If you had children of your own, what things would you do differently than your parents? What things would you do the same?
If i had kids, the different things i would do is, give them an allowance, Give them mystery Questions every 30 minutes, Play the cleaning game with them so they help me clean, give them jobs to do and they get paid for it, play with them every other 1 hour, Go to the museum with them, go to New York with them a lot, and do a lot of stuff with them.
The thing that would stay the same, they'd take out the garbage, and they’d be homeschooled.
Don’t forget to comment, ask me a question(s), and answer the weekdays question. See you tomorrow, bye.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Weekdays Question 34
If you were a parent, what would you do when your child threw a tantrum in the store to get what she/he wanted?
Well if i had a daughter and she threw a tantrum in the store to get what she wanted, then i guess she’d get a time out and I'd say “ Hey if you want any birthday gifts, or charismas gifts from Santa,or Easter gifts from the Easter bunny, then you better stay quite and be nice.” So that way she’d stop, and so i wouldn't here the screeching of a child that sounds like a really terrible singer, ruin my ear drums.
Don’t forget to comment, ask me a question(s), and/or answer the weekdays question. See you tomorrow, bye.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Weekdays Question 33
What do you think would be the hardest part about being a parent?
I think that the hardest thing is when you have to set down all the rules, and try not to be a bad mom/dad. It shouldn’t be hard to tell your kids what’s right and what’s wrong, but it is hard, because you as the parent also have to listen to your child.
Don’t forget to comment, ask me a question(s), and/or answer the weekdays question. Bye see all tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Weekdays Question 32
If you could choose your family’s dessert tonight, what would it be and why?
I would choose ice cream, and watermelon, because i love them and i haven’t eaten them in sooo long.
Don’t forget to comment, ask me a question(s), and/or answer the weekdays question. See you tomorrow bye.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Daily Question 30-31
Today I'm doing two questions to makeup for yesterday.
This question is from Linda Ramos: What kind of charity would you give the money to?
My answer: Children's hospital charity.
Daily Question: Pick one character in any book that you read and explain why you would want to be friends with him or her.
My answer: From the hunger games book, Katniss Everdeen, I want to be friends with Katniss because she's so cool, and nice, and i really want to meet her, and i really like her.
Don’t be afraid to comment, ask me a question(s), or/and answer the daily question. See you Monday, bye.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Daily Question 29
Question on facebook: Anna, if you had all the money in the world, what would be the first 3 things you would do?
Well first i would make a day care center, and second I'd give $250,341,230 to charity, and third I’d make the day car center bigger and get some supplies for the day care center.
Don’t forget to comment, ask me a question(s), and/or answer the daily question. See you tomorrow, bye.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Daily Question 28
What fun event or holiday do you feel like you have to wait for the longest? Why?
Christmas, that’s the holiday i feel i have to wait the longest for.Because i have to wait for like 1, 2, or 3 months for.
And i only want one gift and its McKenna the American girl, with her 3 outfits, 2 books, and her gymnastics bag which has some stuff that comes with it. And all of them together with shipping, is $204.95! So i really want her.
Don’t forget to comment, ask me a question(s), or/and answer the daily question.See you tomorrow, bye.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Daily Question 27
If you could add a holiday that everyone in the country would celebrate,what would it be, when would it be, and how would everyone celebrate?
Well it would be called, Live & Learn Day. It would be on September 13. Everyone would celebrate be living there dream for that one day, doing what they want to do, whether it’s singing on stage, dancing on so you think you can dance, or riding a horse.
The reason why i want to make a “Live & Learn Day” is because, not everyone gets what they want so this holiday, everyone gets to do what they have been wanting to do for years.
Don’t forget to comment, ask me a question(s), or/and answer the daily question. See you tomorrow, bye.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Daily Question 26
When you are told to clean your room, what do you do first? What else do you do?
When I’m told to clean my room, i clean off my bed and then make my bed, and then I’m done. I don’t clean my room… EVER.
Hahahaha (Laughs nervously) Don’t forget to comment, ask me a question(s), or/and answer the daily question. See you monday, bye.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Daily Question 25

It will be a play bedroom, and it will be big. I couldn't put toys in the pic, but it will have American girl dolls and all there stuff, and it will be pink
Don’t forget to comment, ask me a question, or/and answer the daily question. See you tomorrow, bye.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Daily Question 24
What makes you laugh and why does it make you laugh?
Well i laugh at really funny jokes like “Say knock knock.” “Knock knock.” “Who’s there?” “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” (me laughing.)
And funny videos, and just lots of really funny thing. Because they just set me off so i start laught and because there funny.
Don’t forget to comment, ask me a question(s), or/and answer the daily question. See you tomorrow, bye.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Daily Question 23
Imagine that you have gone to a sleepover and your afraid of the dark. Do you ask your friend to leave a light on or do you hide your fear? Explain how you would do either.
Well i would probably hide my fear, so that my friend doesn’t think I’m a scaredy cat. And if i hide my fear maybe i won’t be afraid anymore.
Don’t forget to comment, ask me a question(s), or/and answer the daily question. See you tomorrow, bye.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Daily Question 22
If you could meet someone famous, who would you like to meet and why?
Well there are several people i would love to meet, so watch this first video to see why i would meet… Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, and Bella Thorn with Zendaya.
So there you go, see you guys, and girls tomorrow, bye.
Don’t be afraid to comment, ask me a Question(s), and/or answer the daily question.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Daily Question 21
who is the person you most admire? Why?
I admire Bella Thorn. Because she sticks to her music and doesn’t care what other people say, and she is smart and pretty, and she likes to dance, and I’m just like her.
Don’t be afraid to ask me a question(s), comment, and/or answer the Daily Question. See you all Monday.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Daily Question 20
Imagine that you are planning your own party. If you have no limits, what would the party be like?
Well first of all it would be a Birthday Halloween party, and second it would be like so scary, and all my friends would dress up like scary people. When other people like, neighbors, or other people walk in the house, all my friends play different parts when they walk by.
Don’t be afraid to comment, ask me a question(s), or/and answer the daily question. See you tomorrow, bye.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Daily question 19
Where do you think would be the worst place to be stranded?
A concert, and the fair were it’s crowded.
Don’t be afraid to comment, ask me a question(s), and answer the daily question. See you tomorrow, bye.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Daily Question 18
What are two things that you don’t like now but might like in a few years.
Fashion, and hair styles.
Don’t be afraid to comment, ask a question, and answer the daily questions.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Daily Question 17
If you could be famous when you grow up, what would you be famous for?
If i could be famous i would be famous for Being the best singer and dancer ever, or i would be famous for making a movie.
Don’t be afraid to comment, ask me a question, or answer the daily question, see you Monday, bye.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Daily Question 16
I would probable pick what i wear.
Don't be afraid to comment, ask me a question, or/and answer the daily question, see you tomorrow.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Daily Question 15
If you could advertise any product in a commercial, what product would you choose?
I would ether choose lip stick, Face cream, IPhone 6, or the android.
Don’t be afraid to comment, ask me a question, or/and answer the daily question, See you tomorrow bye.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Daily Question 14
If you were on a television show, describe what kind of show it would be.
It would be like a school drama show, like i would be this school girl that everyone likes, but there’s this mean crowed of girls and they try to take over the school but I’m standing in there way.
Don’t be afraid to comment, ask me a question, or/and answer the Daily Question.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Daily Question 13
If you could get a new pet, what kind of animal would you choose and why?
If i had the money I'd get a horse, but if i didn't have the money for a horse I'd want a pet bird.I'd want a horse because well here's a video of why.
Now here’s why i want a bird.
Well that’s it for now see you tomorrow.
Don’t be afraid to comment, ask me some questions, and answer the daily questions ok bye.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Daily Question 12
If you could spend one hour, in a hot air balloon, Riding a horse, or sailing in a small boat, which would you choose? Why?
Don’t be afraid to comment, ask a question, or answer the daily Question. bye, and thank you.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Daily Questions, Question 11
So I’m making some changes to my Daily Questions today so thing might be a little different ok.
If you could live in a houseboat, a tepee, or a mansion witch one would you live in? Why is that the best choice of home for you?
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Daily questions, Question 9
I would probable shower because, when you take a bath you sit or lay in your own dirt. And then your still dirty, but if you take a shower you stand in clean water and then cleaner and cleaner, because it would go down the the pipe.
Don't be afraid to ask me some questions and answer the daily questions, just comment below the post, and ask a question or answer the daily question. Thank you, and see you tomorrow, bye.
Daily Questions, Question 10
If you worked at a grocery store,what job would you want? Why?
Well I’d what to stack the shelves, because i like making everything organized as long as it’s not my bedroom.
Don’t be afraid to ask me questions and answer the daily questions, just comment below the daily question and ask me a question or answer the daily question.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Daily Questions, Question 8
My favorite part is my birthday and Christmas, because i get presents that other people buy, and i get to spend more time with friends and family.
Don't be afraid to ask some questions and answer the daily questions, just comment below of each daily question post, and ether ask me a question or answer the daily question. Don't forget to follow and tell your friends and family members about me, see you tomorrow, bye.
Friday, September 21, 2012
If you could choose, would you rather be able to fly or to become invisible? Why? What other superpower would you like to have?
I would choose invisibility but if i was invisible then I'd need to walk thru walls and doors and windows, but if not i would fly and i have no reason why.
Don’t forget to ask some questions and answer the daily questions.
What do you think will be the best year of your life? What will happen to make it the best?
Well i think it would be 4/24/2016. I will most likely have a kincenyeta, because i will be 15 years old that day, and because I’m part Spanish and i love the lord, but It will probable be a house one, because we’re not rich and we’d like it at our house more.
Don’t forget to ask me some questions, and answer the daily questions, ok thank you bye.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
I would not change a thing about me, because i like my hair i like my eyes, i like my noes and my mouth, and i just love everything about me.
Don't forget to answer the Questions i post, and don't forget to ask me Question, just comment your Question or Answer.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
I'd play the guitar, because i love it so much, and it was the first instrument i got from Santa.
Don't forget to answer the question and ask me other questions thank you, and good bye, see you tomorrow.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Well i wan't to be a Movie Star, this interests me because if someone if famous then they get money and they can be on TV shows, and be the best of the best.
Don't forget to answer the question, and comment, and ask me questions, and if you ask me questions then i'll answer them the next day.
Friday, September 14, 2012
My name is Annaleah, Anna means Gracious, and leah means Weary, So Annaleah means Graciously Weary. I think Anna is a great description of me, Because I'm a ballerina and Ballerinas are Gracious by the way they dance, sweet and kind.
Don't forget to comment, and answer the Question.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
I choose little brother. You can do this to.
Mom, Dad, it's not a good idea to let my little brother sleep in my bedroom, because he snores, and when he gets dressed he gets naked in my room, and wen i change he'd be in the room, and he's a boy.
Thank you all for reading, and don't forget to comment, and don't forget to tell me your story.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Hugo Part 2 of the book chapter 1.
1. How did you feel when you saw the name on the drawing? Answer: I was surprised.
2. Did you feel bad for Hugo when he broke his hand? Answer: Yes and i was sad and depressed, because i like Hugo.
3. Are you mad that Isabelle is being mean to Hugo? Answer: Yes i was vary mad and also sad.
Well i guess that's all for the Questions, and now for my thoughts on this chapter.
Well i don't like Isabelle anymore because hurt Hugo, and she was vary mean to him.
I'm really glad that the god mother is nice, and i'm glad that she helped Hugo with his hand, and gave him ice.
Well that's we have for today, see you guys and gals tomorrow, ok bye.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Summer Break
Monday, June 18, 2012
Chapter 12
3. How did you like the chapter, and do wan't to read more? It was good, and yes I wan't to.
Well that's all for today i hope you liked it, don't forget to comment and ask Questions.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Chapters 10-11
Well I thought they were good.
The 10th chapter was short.
I like that Hugo is good with tricks.
I like that the girl is sneaky.
I like the Key, it's pretty.
3. What do you think will happen next? I think that Hugo will get his notebook back, and he will see the mechanical man right the note.
Well that's all for now, don't forget to comment and ask Questions, i hope you liked it!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Chapter 9
So lets begin.
First is Comments on this chapter.
Well i liked it a lot.
I like the movies a lot too.
Well i didn't like that they got caught.
I love the part when they wen't together.
I didn't like that Etienne got fired it was sad.
Now time for some Questions.
1. What happened at the theater? Umm Hugo and Isabelle Watched a movie and then got caught.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Chapter 8
I like Etienne he's nice and i think he likes Hugo a lot, and i also really like Isabelle.
well I think that the old man is mean, but good some how with magic.
Well i guess that's all for today thank you i hope you liked it, don't forget to comment and ask some questions.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Chapter 7!!!
First some comments.
I think that the old man might be onto something hear but it's a vary slight chance.
The girl is so so so smart and vary good with secrets.
The poor poor boy is sad and lost.
Now for some Question.
1. Hugo rubbed things as a habit. Describe one of your habits that make you feel comforted. Would you like to stop the habit? Why or why not?
I like feeling the fringes on my blanket. No. Because i like it it feels smooth.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Chapter 6.
I love the girl so much, she is a genus,because she ether.
A. Stole the notebook and replaced it with a book.
B. Copied the notebook.
C. None of the above
I hate the old man he is no goody two shoes.
I cant wait to see the note from the mechanical man, i hope its really cool.
Now lets do some questions.
1.How would you describe Hugo's character if you only read about the care he took with the clocks?Why?.
He really love clocks and he cares about his father and his grandfather's work, and he is a vary sweet kid. Because he took good care of the clocks and he did it for like 2 months so he needs some credit.
2. Explain why the old man said, "I hope the snow covers everything so all the footsteps are silenced, and the whole city can be at peace."
Well that's hard to answer so i think ill answer that next time, ok well i think that's all for that question. NEXT!
3.What where you surprised about.
I was surprised when that letter appeared, and it said on the back "your notebook didn't get burned."
Well that's all for today see you next week, and please leave a message and ask me some Questions too, i hope you enjoyed.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Chapters 4-5
I noticed that, Hugo is doing the best he can to be strong and find a way to get his notebook back, but i think that he's not doing this for him i think he's doing it for his father, and Hugo has some hard times and i just think that its so sweat that he's finishing what his father started, but its harder then he thinks.
I was so surprised when Hugo got pushed to the ground, and when they told the story of how Hugo got interested with this ...thing that his father found.
It seems like the girl isn't helping him, but she kind of is by not helping him, you know what i mean, its a little herd to explain it, but its how she helps him that its just so strange.
Well now time for the Questions.
1. Did you like these chapters? I loved them, but the 4th chapter was short.
2. What did you like/dislike about the 4th/5th chapter? I like the 5th chapter because they tell you how Hugo found this toy.
3. would you like to read even more? Yes.
Well that's it for today, please leave a message and ask me some Questions too, i hope you enjoyed.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Hugo Chapter 3
Monday, May 14, 2012
Welcome/Hugo Chapter 1-2
Well today we are going to talk about the Hugo book and answer some Questions for the first and second chapter.
1 Question. What did you think was important about it? 1 Answer. I thought that Hugo and his notebook were vary important, because they have a relationship, and i also think that the girl is important, because she was the first person that i knew had a notebook too, and she was the first person they talked about.
2 Question. What did you learn from these chapters? 2 Answer. Well, I learned that Hugo is a vary scared little boy who works hard, and needs his notebook for several reasons.
3 Question. What do you think of the characters? 3 Answer. I think that the boy is amazing and brave, i don't really like the old man in the toy booth, cause he's mean, and the girl i think i will like her allot.
I hope you like and read this book. Thank you so much for reading this and please feel free to ask me questions.