Well today we are going to talk about the Hugo book and answer some Questions for the first and second chapter.
1 Question. What did you think was important about it? 1 Answer. I thought that Hugo and his notebook were vary important, because they have a relationship, and i also think that the girl is important, because she was the first person that i knew had a notebook too, and she was the first person they talked about.
2 Question. What did you learn from these chapters? 2 Answer. Well, I learned that Hugo is a vary scared little boy who works hard, and needs his notebook for several reasons.
3 Question. What do you think of the characters? 3 Answer. I think that the boy is amazing and brave, i don't really like the old man in the toy booth, cause he's mean, and the girl i think i will like her allot.
I hope you like and read this book. Thank you so much for reading this and please feel free to ask me questions.
The author of this book: Brian Selzinck. Name of book: The Invention Of Hugo Cabret.
Does this book have a medal: Yes. Name of Medal: The Caldecott Medal.
Sounds like a very interesting book! I can't wait to hear more about it!