Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Weekdays Question 45

Pretend that you are an author. If you wrote a book, what do you think the title would be? Why?

The name of my book would be "The world as we know it. Year 5006." This would be the name because this book would be about a destrode world that died and everyone was disappearing one by one and the world was dyeing and the alieans were taking over.

Don't forget to comment, ask me a question(s), and/or answer the weekdays question. See you tomorrow, bye.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Weekdays Question 44

What is your favorite subject in school and why? Is it the easiest subject for you? What is your least-favorite subject and why?

My fav subject in school is reading, I love to read I only read two series of books, I read Judy Mody and Dear Dumb Diary. Reading the easiest subject in school. My least-Favorite subject in school is math, but I'm really good at math, but I still don't like it,  it's the hardest subject in school and I don't like it vary much because it's so much work.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Weekdays Question 43

If you had to perform in a school talent show, what would your talent be? Describe what your performance would be like.

If i went my talent would be Singing&Dancing, My performance would have me in a beautiful dress, and a lovely hair style, and amazing choreography, and a lovely song.  

Don’t forget to comment, ask me a question(s), and/or answer the weekdays question. see you Monday, bye.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Weekdays Question 42


Have you ever daydreamed during school? If you have, what did you daydream about?

Yes, i have daydreamed during school, and i still do. I daydream about what my life would be like if i had 3 little girls, i was famous, had a huge house, and went to real school.

Don’t forget to comment, ask me a question(s), and/or answer the weekdays question. See you guys tomorrow, bye.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Weekdays Question 41

If you could choose anyone as your best friend, who would you choose? Why would you choose this person?

If I could have anyone as my best friend it would the girl in my dance Ashly and her friend Emily. Because they are populor and awesome.

Don't forget to comment, ask me a questio(s), and/or answer the weekdays question. See you tomorrow, bye.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Weekdays Question 40

Ok so since this is the 40th weekdays question, it is a question from the book for me, and my question for you.

Question for me: If you could teach your friends how to do one thing, what would it be? What makes you a good teacher of that one thing?

Well i would teach my friends to dance, because i am a dancer and i am good at it. I’d be a good teacher of dancing because i know how and I'm good at it, and because i know how to teach dance.

My question for you: If you could be an anime, cartoon, real person, ext, who would you be? Why would you be that anime, cartoon, real person, ext?

Don’t forget to comment, ask me a question(s), and/or answer the weekdays question. see you tomorrow or next week, bye.